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Back to Basics

by | Jan 10, 2024 | Faith, Surrender, Trust

Here is a very simple question.

Are there times in your life when you feel completely and totally overwhelmed?

Maybe your strife comes from a bank account that’s too low, or the world is experiencing another crisis and the future is uncertain? Maybe your health is suffering or that of a loved one? Perhaps you’ve lost your job and the bills are piling up? If you’re a human being on planet earth, no doubt you possess your own can of worms that maximizes your stress levels beyond acceptable limits.

I certainly have my own list, and when my brain dwells too long on that list, there are nights when I wonder if the sun will actually come up again tomorrow morning to chase away those crippling blues. Let’s face it—there are times in our lives when heavens tap is wide open and the blessings flow. There are also moments when the pipes appear to be clogged up with all the gunk we’re trying to juggle and clear out on our own. Does this sound familiar?

It’s during those times when that quiet little voice in my heart asks, “What are you placing your trust in Paul? Your bank accounts? Your job? The number of socks in your drawer or cans of tomato soup in your pantry? More importantly, in whom are you putting your trust?” It’s easy to forget about God when the fruit in life is ripe and tasty. But during times of suffering and unanswered prayer or unmet expectations—it’s then I’m prompted to get on my knees a bit more than usual and send earnest prayers to heaven. I may not get the answers that I’m looking for right away, but laying everything at the foot of the cross is definitely beneficial for my heart and soul. And yours too I might speculate.

Speaking for myself, I can choose to go through life on pins and needles, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Or I can make a deliberate attempt each day to include God in everything; asking him to provide all that I need to get through everything I’m facing. I’m not sure about you, but option two sounds pretty amazing!

I decided to do a quick Google search about trusting God. This verse came up immediately at the top of my page, so I’m going with it as God’s word to me and now to you: “Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” (Psalms 37:3-5 NLT)

I love the sound of that and the idea of committing everything I do to the Lord and trusting in him—and even better is His promise to help me! Personally, I can’t think of any better divinely-sent ammunition to arm myself with as I combat the hardships I drag around each day.

Are you with me?

Paul Smyth

