“But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming.“
(Psalm 37:13 ESV)
“He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.“
(Psalm 2:4 ESV)
“But you, O Lord, laugh at them; you hold all the nations in derision.”
(Psalm 59:8 ESV)
I’ve heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. Or something like that. I believe it, too. After a good laugh, I feel so much better. But did you know God laughs? He has to like laughter because He created us in His likeness.
I was told once that if you want God to laugh, tell Him your plans. I can imagine Him laughing at some of the plans I have made and never got to do.
God laughs at the devil all the time. He knows the devil loses but just won’t quit. I laugh at the devil, too. Every time the devil thinks he has won, I laugh. I know who wins, and it sure isn’t him.
So next time you are down in the dumps, troubles got you down, or just sad. Laugh. Laugh long and hard. You’ll feel better and might give the devil a headache for his troubling you.
Have a blessed day.
Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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