Little is written in Scripture regarding the role of prayer. We know that we are told to pray (see Col. 4:2), that we don’t have because we don’t ask (see James 4:2-3). We know that Jesus, along with countless others, practised regular intercessory prayer. But just how does prayer turn the hand of God?
Revelation 8 gives us a tiny clue: “When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne.The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar,and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder,rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.” (Rev. 8:1-5 NIV).
Here we see that our prayers go up before God, and it is after this that things begin to happen. Thus we have a clue that prayer kickstarts God’s plans!
But wait a minute: Why would God, the creator of the universe, need the prayers of unfaithful, self-centred, apathetic human beings? Why does God need our prayers?
It is a question that has long haunted me. God can do anything. Why, then, are my prayers required as part of His plans? Why are my prayers a prerequisite for setting into motion the works of the Lord?
The answer was given to me the other day, and it is simple: He needs our prayers because that’s the way He set up the universe!
He didn’t have our prayers when He created the universe, which is a clear indication that He can do ALL things — WITHOUT our prayers!
Nonetheless, when He set up the universe, He did it in such a way that His power is only unleashed through prayer.
But wait: Why would God put this clause in the universal plan? He knows we are weak: “…he remembers we are only dust.” (Ps. 103:14b NLT). He knows that we are unfaithful and self-centred and apathetic. He knows that we won’t use prayer to its maximum potential. Why, then, would He choose to require our prayers to unleash His power?
When I asked God this question, His response was to place in my mind a number of recent answers to prayer. The memories left me feeling warm and loved and cared for. I had truly experienced God in those times… But that doesn’t answer my question …
Or does it?
Could it be that God brought those answered prayers to my mind to highlight for me how blessed I feel in knowing that the God of the universe cares enough about me to hear and answer my prayers? Could it be that He was showing me why He set up the universe in such a way that our prayers are a prerequisite for the unleashing of His power? Because He wants to reveal Himself to us in this way?
As I contemplate this, I am overcome with humility and love for a God who loves and cares for His human creatures enough to make them to be part of His ultimate plan. God chose to require our prayers, and thus in many ways limiting His own power to our unfaithfulness, so that He could bless us! So that we could experience His love and His power on a personal level!
But wait. Why can’t God reveal Himself to us without our prayers? Wouldn’t we experience Him just as well if we didn’t have to pray?
I think we all know the answer to that question. With the human tendency to look after good ol’ number one — ourselves, with the human tendency to rely on our own strength and power to resolve our problems, would we even think about God if He hadn’t put the prayer contingency into His celestial plan? Would we even notice His blessings? I mean, we barely even notice them when they come in response to our prayers! How would we ever notice them without prayer?
And so it is: The reason God set up the universe so that our prayers are a prerequisite for unleashing His power is because He loves us enough to want to reveal Himself to us in a way we would never be able to understand if it weren’t for the necessity of prayer!
I don’t know about you…but knowing that prayer is a gift of God, given to us so that we will know Him more… Wow. It blows my mind. And it most certainly motivates me to pray!
I pray this revelation will have a similar effect on each of you!Little is written in Scripture regarding the role of prayer. We know that we are told to pray (see Col. 4:2), that we don’t have because we don’t ask (see James 4:2-3). We know that Jesus, along with countless others, practised regular intercessory prayer. But just how does prayer turn the hand of God?
Revelation 8 gives us a tiny clue: “When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne.The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar,and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder,rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.” (Rev. 8:1-5 NIV).
Here we see that our prayers go up before God, and it is after this that things begin to happen. Thus we have a clue that prayer kickstarts God’s plans.
But wait a minute: Why would God, the creator of the universe, need the prayers of unfaithful, self-centred, apathetic human beings? Why does God need our prayers?
It is a question that has long haunted me. God can do anything. Why, then, are my prayers required as part of His plans? Why are my prayers a prerequisite for setting into motion the works of the Lord?
The answer was given to me the other day, and it is simple: He needs our prayers because that’s the way He set up the universe!
He didn’t have our prayers when He created the universe, which is a clear indication that He can do ALL things — WITHOUT our prayers!
Nonetheless, when He set up the universe, He did it in such a way that His power is only unleashed through prayer.
But wait: Why would God put this clause in the universal plan? He knows we are weak: “…he remembers we are only dust.” (Ps. 103:14b NLT). He knows that we are unfaithful and self-centred and apathetic. He knows that we won’t use prayer to its maximum potential. Why, then, would He choose to require our prayers to unleash His power?
When I asked God this question, His response was to place in my mind a number of recent answers to prayer. The memories left me feeling warm and loved and cared for. I had truly experienced God in those times… But that doesn’t answer my question …
Or does it?
Could it be that God brought those answered prayers to my mind to highlight for me how blessed I feel in knowing that the God of the universe cares enough about me to hear and answer my prayers? Could it be that He was showing me why He set up the universe in such a way that our prayers are a prerequisite for the unleashing of His power? Because He wants to reveal Himself to us in this way?
As I contemplate this, I am overcome with humility and love for a God who loves and cares for His human creatures enough to make them to be part of His ultimate plan. God chose to require our prayers, and thus in many ways limiting His own power to our unfaithfulness, so that He could bless us! So that we could experience His love and His power on a personal level!
But wait. Why can’t God reveal Himself to us without our prayers? Wouldn’t we experience Him just as well if we didn’t have to pray?
I think we all know the answer to that question. With the human tendency to look after good ol’ number one — ourselves! With the human tendency to rely on our own strength and power to resolve our problems, would we even think about God if He hadn’t put the prayer contingency into His celestial plan? Would we even notice His blessings? I mean, we barely even notice them when they come in response to our prayers! How would we ever notice them without prayer?
And so it is: The reason God set up the universe so that our prayers are a prerequisite for unleashing His power is because He loves us enough to want to reveal Himself to us in a way we would never be able to understand if it weren’t for the necessity of prayer!
I don’t know about you…but knowing that prayer is a gift of God, given to us so that we will know Him more… Wow. It blows my mind. And it most certainly motivates me to pray!
I pray this revelation will have a similar effect on each of you!
In His love,
Lynona Gordon Chaffart
Associate Director and Moderator, Answers2Prayer Ministries