Our main thoughts are on a very sensitive issue which is discouragement. This is part of our daily walk with Christ. Most of us confess the correct things but when the day of adversity comes, we utterly forget the positive words of God we just confessed and begin to panic and run into Fear.
“A man of Courage never fails, instead he gains everything as he overcomes any challenge life throws at him”. Attack will always be there we must be courageous enough to continue. We do this by Looking unto the Master.
We take our reading from Joshua 1:9. The Man whom God used after The Death of Moses, he was in a very perplexed situation, not knowing where to turn for help, but the Lord visited him and gave him a command to: “be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord you are with you.” (ESV) Man of God how do not be fearful or bed dismayed in the face of adversity? The answer is found in the following text: “I am your Lord God I AM with YOU”.
When you face trials and tribulations always remember God is with you, He will never leave you or forsake you. Due to discouragement, we have planted evil habits. We need to unpluck that negative talk from our minds and hearts and lips, stop listening to bad reports like the 12 spies who went to spy out the land of milk and honey, Moses the General could have listened to all 10 spies, but he took the good report of Joshua and Caleb and they conquered. When one Looks unto the Lord you will never die.
Psalm 37:3 says, “Trust in the Lord and do Good (Doing good deeds that is what you will reap in the end) because if you sow evil, you reap evil.” This verse tells us to always be on Christ mindset: “he went about doing good.” Why should one do Good, why must I continue being good to those who have attacked me, and how can I still confess God word in spite of the pandemic and daily crisis? The Word of God is alive and active and sharper than any two double edged sword (See Hebrews 4: 12) so we use the Word as a tool. We get our weapon from the book of Isaiah 43:1-4: God himself specifically says “I HAVE CALLED YOU BY YOUR NAME-YOU ARE MINE, FEAR NOT.” (Vs 1 ESV).God of heaven and earth has called me, when we read further down in verse 4: “BECAUSE YOU ARE PRECIOUS IN MY EYES, AND HONORED AND I LOVE YOU, I GIVE MEN IN RETURN FOR YOU.” (vs 4 ESV) ALLELUJAH GLORY TO JESUS, DID YOU JUST read that powerful message. God, the creator, said He loves you! If that isn’t enough to get your faith working than I don’t know. Focus on that verse 4 again and read it out aloud to yourself.
Remember Child of God that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), so God loves you and that Word can never change: “Even if no one else loves you its fine- because the King of Kings, The Alpha and Omega Loves me and I am precious in his eyes.” The only love that exists is the love of God. No other love exists. The key here is to look unto Jesus, change our perspective and do things from the viewpoint of Christ.
Moosa Tonny Dhlamini