“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24 NLT)
I have a little clock on the bottom right hand side of my computer screen that always tells mewhat time it is. I also have a clock hanging on my wall. I have two alarm clocks in my bedroom.I have a clock in my car. Every time I look at my cell phone or house phone too, there is the timelooking up at me. But the older I get the less I find myself paying attention to any of them. Istopped wearing a watch years ago and don’t miss it at all. These days I try to live my life astimelessly as possible; which isn’t easy in our modern society. Yet, it has made such a majordifference for me. It has allowed me to embrace each moment as it comes. I know too thatwhatever it says on that clock on the wall, it is always Now.
It took me a long time to realize this and I still forget it from time to time. Now that I havepassed the half century mark in my own life, however, I have started to cherish each day andevery second that God gives me on this Earth. I know that I will never have time to do all that Iwant to do but at least I can live today in love. Today I can spend my morning in prayer. Today Ican look at the sun shining in the sky and feel its warmth on my face. Today I can give my sonsand daughter a hug. Today I can play fetch with my dog and revel in his delight. Today I canlaugh at a good joke and share a warm smile. Today I can quietly commit an unseen act ofkindness. Today I can write a few words that will touch a few hearts.
There is an old Hindu saying that goes: “Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow only avision; but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrowa vision of hope.” Make sure your today is well lived then. Make sure your Now is filled withlove and joy. If you do this your past will be beautiful, your future will be wonderful, and youreternity will be spent in God’s loving arms.
Joseph J. Mazzella