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Quick Charge 

by | Jun 7, 2018 | Encouragement

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:6,7 NIV)

I forgot to charge the cell phone. As I grabbed it on my way out the door, I happened to notice the battery was way down. So I went back and plugged it in, hoping for a quick temporary charge planning to fully charge it when I arrived at my office.

I was glad to see it charge quickly, enough for me to use for awhile. Kinda reminded me of days when I either don’t have time, or haven’t taken the time, to recharge my spiritual battery. Those days I need a stop-gap measure, a quick charge to get me through. Things like, a Christian song playing on my iPod while I’m getting ready to leave the house, especially tunes that include Bible verses. Or a Bible teaching CD in my car on the way to pick up kids. Or a short prayer I send up while I’m on my way to a meeting. Or a calendar in the kitchen with a bible verse for each day of the year.

Just a thought, something of the LORD to focus me on Him- not on me, not on my circumstances; on Him.

It is just that, a quick charge, and it doesn’t take the place of one-on-one time with the Lord in prayer and meditation and reading His word. But sometimes it is just what works for the moment, a quick charge.

Thank you, Lord, for quick charges that focus us on You.

Inspirational Messages bySally I. Kennedy

