Today, we come to the concluding part of the series on turning the tables.
In conclusion, let’s revisit the Valley of Elah, where we see a “tiny” (relatively speaking) youngster equipped merely with a slingshot and five stones taking on a well-armed Giant (1 Sam 17:40-47)! Was there a sword anywhere in David’s arsenal? NO SIR! No heavy armour for him, which would restrict his movement (I Sam 17:38-40). When the blasphemous Goliath fell from a single stone striking him in the forehead by a shepherd boy and his sling, what did that shepherd boy use to finish off the fallen giant? Goliath’s own sword or any sword of the Jewish army bearing its proud insignia?The Bible says emphatically that he used the fallen philistine’s “own sword” to slay him. (I Sam 17:51).Incidentally, there was ‘nothing officially Jewish’ about that weapon. David terminated the terminator with his own terminating weapon!
Davidic style of victory over Goliath also symbolized that of Christ’s eventual victory over Satan. Consider and compare David’s way of slaying his formidable foe with what is penned in Hebrews 2:14 which reads thus…
“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil…”
Now once again, pore over Heb 2:14 and let the remarkable similarity register! What did Christ use to score a victory over Satan? Death, which was, actually Satan’s trump card! Amazing, isn’t it, the similarity? Hallelujah! Like His earthly ancestor, Christ turned the tables on Satan by using his own weapon against him.
The way to eternal life is through resurrection, but the way to resurrection is through death. Before resurrection, Christ destroyed death by dying. Now let Book of Hebrews take over again. So that…
“Jesus did this to make us free from the fear of death. We no longer need to be chained to this fear.” (Hebrews 2:15 NLT)
An event of absolute certainty that terrifies countless people more than anything else is death…for in death, man steps into the unknown bereft of all control he had been exercising over his whole life. But when we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts, death holds no more fear. We have been released from the bondage of the fear of death, and instead actually look forward to it. We say with apostle Paul “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21, NIV) for death now has lost its sting (I Cor 15:55). Death doesn’t hold any fear for us Christians, as it is no longer a master, which shoves us into the hell fire, but rather ahumble servant, which merely ushers us into our Heavenly Father’s glorious home. The tables now are well and truly turned, thanks to Christ’s victory on the Cross!! HALLELUJAH!!!
Prayer: Lord Jesus we praise Thee for conquering death whereby fear of death is removed from our hearts. Enable us to say at all times like Apostle Paul…”to live is Christ and to die is gain”. Amen.
Suresh Manoharan
An unworthy servant
J and SM Ministries
(To access the entire “Turning the Tables” Easter Mini-series, please click here.)