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Do Not be Cross About the Cross, Part 1

by | Apr 7, 2018 | Do Not Be Cross About The Cross (A Mini-Series), Salvation

It’s quiz time folks! Tell me what piece of “furniture” housed in Solomon’s temple, of the Mosaic Law dispensation, symbolized the Covenantal relationship between the Almighty and the Jews? Pat yourself on the back if your answer was the “Ark of the Covenant”. By the same token (Hey, one more question comes your way), what “furniture” mirrors the Covenantal relationship between us and our Heavenly Father in this Grace age? If your answer is the “Cross” then pat yourself on the back again.

In this series of 4 parts I am inspired to bring before my readership the different dimensions of the significance of the Cross in a Christian’s life…


“But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…” (Gal. 6:14 ESV)

There is the apostle Paul in his singular epistle to the Galatian Churches, hell-bent (pardon the expression) upon, not so much on “writing” on the hearts of the Christians as “engraving” upon them that the Cross of Christ alone can atone for the sins of the world. Sadly “some leaven” in those churches was leading them away from the true, “salvation through the Cross” doctrine, towards the false, “Salvation through Jewish circumcision” one (Gal 5:9-10). Come what may, he was typically willing to endure all persecution for taking this stand (Gal 1:10/Gal 5:11).

What is so “great” about salvation through the Cross of Christ? Hey, it’s free, fair and does the spiritual work that “weak” folks like us cannot hope to accomplish by ourselves (Romans 3:20-28)! Imagine if entering into a covenantal relationship with our Heavenly Father (which would eventually pave the way for other indescribable blessings) involved great sacrifice of money or energy! The rich and the strong would steal a march on the poor and the weak! (SeeHeb 2:3 — Note that when he qualified “Christian salvation” with the word “great”, the author of the epistle of Hebrews was also “battling” more or less the same situation the apostle Paul encountered whilst penning Galatians).

There is no work involved so to speak,“in becoming one with our Heavenly Father” (John 17:21 ESV); rather, salvation through Christ entails that we simply accept in faith the “work already finished” on the Cross, albeit with the contrite heart (SeeJohn 19:30/Acts 2:37-38/Rom 10:8-10).

Are you caught in the crossroads of lifem wavering between holiness and sinfulness? Oh, remember that it is at the Cross that one crosses over from the realm of darkness into the one of light (See1 Peter 2:9-10). Without delaying, take the way of the Cross! Pray this prayer with a contrite heart: “Lord Jesus, I come to the Cross as a hopeless sinner, who with his own limited strength, cannot live a God-honoring, holy and a pure life. By the blood shed in the Cross, cleanse me of my sins, and with Your power, release me from the grip of my own selfish desires and habits. I believe You died for my sins and rose again from death as per the Scriptures for my sake. Forgive me and fill me with Your Holy Joy. Amen.”

Suresh Manoharan
An unworthy servant
J and SM Ministries

(To access the entire “Do Not be Cross About the Cross” mini-series, please click here.)

