I can’t believe hubby had the nerve to do what he did! He sat among executives around a large conference table for their weekly meeting. They all took turns sharing a bit of news about their life and family.
“Well,” hubby said, “this weekend Janet and I split up.”
Gasps spread around the room. They all know we’ve been happily married over 40 years.
Then he followed by saying: “Yep, I went to California, she went to Titusville and we both came home on Sunday.”
Funny guy, isn’t he?
But whether a joke or not, separation is devastating. I know firsthand. Years ago, sorrow had separated me from God. My sudden blindness at age 30 and the death of my youngest son pushed me far away from Him.
Drained by my heartache, I didn’t sense Him near. I didn’t hear His comfort or even felt that He cared.
Have you been there? Although our mind wants to believe, our heart refuses. And though we know God exists, His comfort seems distant.
What joy to write this for you. My fingers are dancing on the keyboard as a result of the peace that fills my soul. Here’s the reason: Jesus said: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
He had His place. And I had mine. He claimed His role and named mine, too. When my foolish notion of finding answers on my own faded, peace came back, joy was born and freedom from sorrow swept through.
Father, I praise you because we don’t have to face this life alone. Thank you for promising we’ll bear fruit, find refuge, have a new beginning, and live with victory united with you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
What are you trying to accomplish on your own?
Janet Eckles
If this message resonated with you, please visit Janet’s cyberspace home for more inspiration.