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This Rain Shall Pass

by | Dec 30, 2017 | Trials, Trust, Waiting

We spread our towels and stuck our beach chairs into the sand this past Wednesday. My brother, his wife, hubby, and I chatted while soaking the sun rays at Cocoa beach. Though it was a windy day, the warmth caressed our skin. Then with no warning, we felt a few sprinkles. Then more raindrops came down.

Hubby glanced up in the sky. “That dark cloud will blow over,” he said.

I doubted his assessment. “Nope. Let’s pack up,” I said, “remember last time; we got soaked while running back to the car.”

The rest of the people around us grabbed their stuff and dashed to get shelter, leaving the four of us on that deserted beach. I covered myself with my beach towel and waited, anticipating that I’d be telling hubby, “I told you so. Now we’re all wet.”

But as that thought came, the rain stopped and the sun came back out. The dark cloud had blown over.

Could it be this story was meant for you? Maybe you’re under that dark cloud of adversity, of disappointment, of something failing, something lost, or that uncertainty that often rains upon us.

God is reminding you and me, too…wait, this rain will pass. This storm will be calm again. This tough moment will become easy again. This pain will lessen. And this grief will end.

He’s promising and He’s declaring that through His power, all will be well again. I invite you to repeat, receive and believe in the same declaration that David gave: “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry” (Psalm 40:1) and “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).

He will hear you. And when He does, He will deliver you, set you free, and dry up the rain of adversity.

Will you believe?

Janet P. Eckles

