“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:3)
I was looking over the list, the never ending ‘To Do’ list. Crossing things off, adding things, rearranging tasks according to today’s priorities. “There is no end to it,” I grumbled to myself. There is always something next on that paper.
How overwhelming it can feel. A good friend of mine likes to say, “Everything that needs to get done will get done”, though I admit there are times I wonder about that.
God wants to communicate with us, and it is unlikely He is going to catch us ‘on the run’. He waits. Rick Warren says, “If you are always on the go and you can’t hear God, you are facing the barrier of busyness.” Oh yeah, all those things on The List.
I’ve heard it said, “Don’t under estimate the value of porch sitting and rocking”. Basically, I need to make the choice to take time, to wait on God and listen to Him. It’s hard for God to download much to me when I am on the move. Like the double exposure of this key deer, you can’t be fully present anywhere while moving so fast.
He is waiting, though. I need to choose, purpose, and decision what gets pushed to the top. So maybe next on the list for me is checking my priorities, giving God the first place, and then letting everything else fall into line.
That’s good news.
Irish Thursday Inspirational Messages, Sally I. Kennedy
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