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How to be Set Free From Sin

by | Dec 30, 2017 | Salvation, Sin

There I was last week, holding on to the escort’s arm, pulling my luggage behind. With quick steps, we made our way through the airport.

“This way to immigration,” he said.

Immigration? I had forgotten I was coming in on an international flight and of course immigration and customs were part of the process

“I need to call my husband and let him know,” I said. “He’s waiting for me outside the airport.”

We stepped in the immigration area, and I pulled my cell phone out. And as soon as I gave Siri a command, I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Ma’am, this is security,” a man said, “cell phone use is prohibited in this area.”

Gulp. I gave a silly smile. “So sorry…”

What was I thinking? I remembered the announcement made loud and clear earlier detailing the regulations and Homeland Security laws. But, busy with my own agenda, I dismissed them.

But what’s new? While navigating through the airport of life, we do the same thing. Pulling behind past sin, current sin and on-going sins. Sometimes we hide them; we ignore them, or even live drowning in shame because of them.

Know why we do all that? Because we dismissed this important announcement God made in Isaiah 43:25, “I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

Did you know that in the area of God’s grace it’s prohibited to recall past sins? If once on our knees we repent, freedom comes. And in His grace we can let go of the suitcase of sin, release the shame, and leave guilt behind.

If God remembers your sin no more, why do you?

Janet Eckles

If this message resonated with you, please visit Janet’s cyberspace home for more inspiration.

