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Going Along

by | Dec 30, 2017 | Provision

God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

She wasn’t much bigger than a pint of peanuts when she got a tricycle. Her dad taught her how to ride it. Next came a bicycle with training wheels. Her dad helped her learn to ride that, too. He stayed by her side, until she was steady and confident. Same thing when the training wheels came off; her dad would run along side the bike to hold it in case she lost her balance.

She did so well when he was right by her side, and was frightened to ride alone. After all, her dad wouldn’t be there; she’d be going alone.

Sometimes we are like that young girl. We know our Father is with us; we feel secure and comforted by the fact that He is with us “always”. Yet when we launch out, have a new venture, a different direction, we might get timid and fearful. Maybe we feel like we are going it alone.

Just as our Father is with us in smaller things, so is He with us in the bigger things of life.

Thank you, Lord, for the promise, that You will never fail us and You will never abandon us. We aren’t going alone.

That’s good news.

Inspirational Messages, Sally I. Kennedy 2016

