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Be Still

by | Oct 14, 2017 | Dependency, Poems

Be still.
Be still and know,
that I am God.

Be still for I am He
who’s in you,
and I’m greater than all
in this world.

Be still for I am here
within you,
holding you up,
so you cannot fall.

Be still because I will
deliver you.
Not one moment too late,
nor too soon.

And in the meantime,
when its hard to do anything else.
When it feels too daunting,
to take one step
left or right.

Then I will lead
from up front,
and I will support
you from behind.

You can do it,
those things you think you cannot do.
Just rest in me,
as you walk.

Just be still.

Ana Lisa de Jong

Living Tree Poetry
April 2017
“Be still and know that I am God.”
Psalm 46:10

