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Why is Your Heart Empty?

by | Jan 6, 2017 | Promises

Have you ever walked through the empty valley of life?

I have. When tragedy struck. When blindness set in, hope vanished. Hope seemed only a word, foreign and elusive. I dabbed tears during sleepless nights as the empty echoed in my sorrow.

But the pain finally ended when that emptiness was filled by the empty tomb. Jesus came back alive. He rose gloriously to fill the emptiness that aches. To bring back the hope. He’s alive to echo a promise for a better tomorrow. To speak of the grace He will pour. The love He will give. The healing He will extend. The forgiveness He promises. And the failures He will restore.

He’s alive to fill the emptiness of the moment, the yearning for the season and the longing of a lifetime.

I wish you a Happy Resurrection Day not only because the tomb is empty, Jesus is alive but because He spoke, He promised and He guaranteed He’s coming back!

Janet Eckles

If this message resonated with you, please visit Janet’s cyberspace home for more inspiration.

