Some time ago a friend and I traveled together. The airport where we landed was small. Actually, everything in it was small.
With her caring nature, my friend made sure she guided me through all doorways, hallways, and elevators — being careful to avoid obstacles in my path.
But when entering elevators with our bags and suitcases on wheels, and with me holding on her arm, the squeeze was tricky, awkward and cumbersome. I came home with some scratches on my elbow.
But know what? I’m familiar with narrow pathways — the ones we encounter in life. Sometimes it hurts as we try to squeeze through, and we doubt we’ll make it. And others as we try to force our way, leave scratches of discouragement in our heart.
You might be going through ones yourself as you read this. We all do. We try to get through the narrow stretches of discouragement, loneliness, of chronic illness, of unresolved conflict, and painful, unforeseen circumstances.
And though unpleasant, we keep going, traveling through the airports of life hoping we eventually see the wide doorway leading to the answer, the healing, the break we hope for or the solution we seek.
That’s why God’s reminder turns hope to encouragement. Opens the wide door of trust. And makes the entrance easy and simple. The sign above the doorway says: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
How does God’s promise make you feel as you squeeze through life’s trials? I look forward to reading your comments.
* Whom do you desire more than God?
* When looking at your difficult situation, is He enough?
* What brings you out of despair?
Janet Eckles
If this message resonated with you, please visit Janet’s cyberspace home for more inspiration.