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Gospel of Adversity, Part 1

by | Jan 16, 2016 | Gospel of Adversity (A Mini-Series), Salvation, Suffering

With many ears itching (2 Tim 4:3) to hear only the Gospel of Prosperity, now how many takers would be there for the Gospel of Adversity and the plain speaking that accompanies it? In this Series of four parts with Good Friday around the corner, Yours truly makes an attempt to take a 360 degree view on the subject of Christ’s–and the Christian’s–suffering.


Now it is not an understatement to say that at the Fall, Sin damaged the entire personality of man. His body, soul and spirit (hey, the human being is a trinity – See I Thess 5:23) were deeply “wounded” as a result of his conscious choice to breach his conscience in the Garden of Eden at the behest of the crafty tempter (Genesis 3:1-7). At our physical birth, we the descendents of the fallen Adam inherit the same “fallen, broken and damaged personality.” Now the Redemption work of atonement required that all the three parts of the fallen man be set right.

The terrible suffering of our Saviour on the Cross on all the three fronts ensured that the “complete redemption package” is in place on the First Good Friday. His terrible physical anguish before and during the Crucifixion (a horrific death sentence where pain is maximal with death the “pain reliever” arriving oh so slowly) was immeasurable. The flogging and crowning of his head with “laurel wreath of thorns” only compounded it. Yes we were “sick” from head to toe (Isaiah 1:6) hence it required that our Saviour in his atoning work on the cross bleed to death from head to toe.

Now what about his emotional (soul) suffering before and during the Crucifixion? I would caution the readers not to be carried away by some “Christian” paintings which depict Christ praying in a dignified posture in the Garden of Gethsemane and being crucified with the loin cloth on. Even as the cross, with all its indescribable pain, loomed before the spotless Son of God, so emotionally was he perturbed that he fell prostrate on his face (read the Gospels to know the truth – Mark 14:35) sweating blood. Then what about the insults that accompanied Him, all through this ordeal…the spitting and stripping (Matt 27:27-31)…the historians tell us that in order to instill uttermost fear of rebelling against their authority, the Romans ensured that the perpetrator was insulted publicly in toto, by crucifying him stark naked. So virtually Christ covered the shame brought about by sin (Genesis 3:7) by Himself enduring shame on the cross (Heb 12:2).

Coming to the spiritual suffering, let it be said that when all sin came upon His sinless self (2 Cor 5:21), He experienced hell for us in order that we do not end up there. Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else. Jesus’ only source of comfort in this fiery affliction until then, the Father’s Holy presence, also abandoned Him as the Holy God, whose pure eyes cannot see evil (Hab 1:13) could not stay in the presence of despicable sin, hence that heart-rending cry from the cross…“My God, My God (Note: Not My Father, in the way Christ had along addressed His Father) why have you forsaken me” (Matt 27:46) in perfect fulfillment of the prophecy recorded about 1000 years back (Psalm 22:1).

Was there further sacrificial suffering for the Saviour beyond the Cross? Yes!!! I intend to focus on that subject in the concluding part of this series.

Prayer: Father, Your Son could not have suffered more purchasing my salvation. Enable me to remember the same with gratitude at all times. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Suresh Manoharan
An unworthy servant

(To access the entire “Gospel of Adversity” mini-series, please click here.)

