What happened to the Christmas that I loved so much?
We celebrated the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ
It was to Him that we gave the presents on that wonderful day, Just rejoicing in Him and loving our family and friends
This was what I was taught and wonder where it got lost
When I was growing up, I was taught that it was Jesus Birthday
Now, it seems to be everyone’s birthday
We are given a list of the things that ‘I want’, No more just going and getting what they might like ~ To give to the ones you love because it is Jesus Birthday
The children start early with all the things they desire, Never a thought of what it is all about
How can we turn back to the good old days?
When parents had no money and our focus was on Christ, Family get-togethers were something we looked forward to Now, it is when can we get to your house or maybe stop by
The love of our Lord Jesus is not reflected in us
The shopping and hustling about is a must!
What happened to Christmas? I just don’t know
It isn’t a happy time like years, long ago, when Being together with the ones you hold dear Was enough to do us until the next year! MERRY CHRISTMAS
Let us not forget what we are celebrating
© by Sarah Berthelson
Sarah@Berthelson.com http://www.christianpoetry.org/Berthelson.html
Sarah’s Books “He Guides My Path”,”Just Jesus” and “Only By His Grace may be purchased at: Barnes And Noble.com, Borders.com and Amazon.com