Hello, my friend!
This is not a typical story to brighten your day. It’s not an inspirational piece that came from my heart. I just needed to deal with it.
How do you handle…
A friend or family member who is depressed…
going through a divorce…. stricken with a life threatening disease…or dying?
I don’t know why I needed to deal with this issue. But someone died today. I never met him. But it was so overwhelming to me that I knew I must write something.
It’s about how we deal with loss; divorce, death, depression, serious illness. Not ours, but others.
It’s about the excuses we make, the reasoning we use to justify why we don’t do the right thing.
When I write a story, there’s an urgency, a feeling within me that tells me that, whether I see value in it or not, it must be written.
This is not a story. I couldn’t figure how to write it.
It is a result of my experience in Hospice.
It is a result of my experience in life.
Someone you know needs you more than ever before.
You may be their only hope.
You may be the only one who cared enough to show up.
You may be the reason they turn their life around.
You may be the answer to their prayers.
The way you respond to their illness may very well be the strength they need to pull through it. They are watching your reaction to their tragedy.
Bob Perks
Copyright (c) 2003, Bob Perks. I encourage you to share my stories with your friends but, when copying I ask that you keep my name and contact information attached along with this notice. Use of this story for commercial purposes is prohibited without direct permission from the author.