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Finding Lasting Satisfaction

by | Jan 3, 2015 | Faith, Trust

Have you ever been happy with yourself, totally satisfied? I felt that way a few weeks ago when I re-wrote the first chapter of the novel I had just completed. The story, engaging and the characters, sassy and insightful. The end product was, well, a masterpiece (pride aside, of course).

Then it happened. I got it back from the editor. I swallowed hard and my shoulders drooped with disbelief. The whole thing was riddled with corrections, questions, and endless suggestions for improvements. I cringed, but accepting the changes was imperative because the editor had in mind a great product and a better story. She outlined her plan for results that, no doubt, would shine.

My life had been the same way. I had written my own plans, crafted my path to success, happiness and meaning. Instead of the results leaving me delightfully satisfied, the disappointment seared.

Thank goodness the Divine Editor came along. He erased the sin, corrected flawed decisions and straightened wrong paths. The details are not perfect. But it relates a story of transformation, of trials that turned to triumph and sorrow that turned to joy.

The book of our life has a happy ending when we leave the planning and the plot to the God of the universe because “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future'” (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

Father, I thank you for writing the pages of my life before I was born. You detailed each chapter and Scene. Now peace fills my nights knowing you have crafted the happiest of endings for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

• Are you still writing the plan for your life?

• How has it turned out so far?

• Who can guarantee you hope and promise you a future?

Janet Eckles

If this message resonated with you, please visit Janet’s cyberspace home for more inspiration.

