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  Wisdom A Poem

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems, Wisdom

All paths I take shall lead to you,
even when I might go astray.
No other road can beckon me,
no other can keep me away.

I set my heart on seeking you,
I humbly bend an ear.

The ripples of the current of Life, so dear to me,
are those I long to hear.

I take time to find a comfortable spot;
I rest in your sweet embrace.
There’s only you and me, I desire,
as I longingly seek your face.

I find it in the meadowlark’s song,
I see it upon the wings of a bird in flight.
I find it whenever the sun has faded,
in the soft, quiet hours
of moonbeamed night.

There is nothing on earth that can compare,
not even mounds of silver and gold,
Nor beauty, which is often rare,
’tis Wisdom, I seek to behold!

© Sandra Lewis Pringle

