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Why Father

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems, Sacrifice, Sin

Father, why did You chose Your own flesh and blood

To die on the cross for our lives?

Why couldn’t You have chosen a goat or a ram?

Seems to me that would have sufficed.

I guess it just took more than a ram

To cover the transgressions of men.

You had to give up the one thing You loved most,

As a ransom to cover our sins.

Father, please forgive me for asking

About all of the why’s and what fors.

We’re not supposed to question Your judgment,

Because You’re Omnipotent; You know so much more.

I’m so sorry, Lord, that You had to give up

Your precious Son’s life just for me

And I’d hate to think what would have transpired If

Your son had not died on that tree.

We might all be condemned to a bottomless pit,

With no hope for Eternal Life,

If You had not given up Your most precious gift,

Your only Son, for our sacrifice.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son

That whosever believeth in Him would not perish, but, have everlasting life.” John 3:16

© 2009 by Vickie Lambdin

Poetry by Vickie Lambdin Treasured Thoughts Vickie is a Heavenly Inspirations Author. This poem may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.

