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Watch Over us Lord

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems, Protection

I pray Lord God that you watch over us all, every day.

Watch over our little ones Lord; help them go thy way.

I pray we all, will honor thine own will, every day of our life.

Help us sweet Jesus to take hold of our life and battle strife.

Help us all to conquer evil thoughts, and mannerism bad.

Keep us in your word sweet Lord that we will be glad.

Help us to seek tomorrow to do better than we are today.

Help us sweet Lord to praise and honor Thee, all the way.

Sweet Jesus, please watch over all the little children today

Keep their little minds to be in Thee Lord, in all they say.

May their young hearts be tender, and unto Thee abound.

I pray they love Thee sweet Lord, and one day gain a crown.

I pray we all will teach our dear children Thy words of life.

Thus they should know and love Thee, never any strife.

I pray they know our Father, up there in Heaven above.

I pray all their little thoughts will surely be for His love.

Watch over us all Lord, little children even more so.

Give them the sweet knowing knowledge of Jesus long ago.

We need to teach the little ones that Jesus is Savior of all.

Then someday when it is our time, He will give us a call.

Let us honor Him every hour, day and night with pure love.

He will hear us well, from sweet Heaven there up above.

Teach us still Lord Jesus, all the long, long way,

To know you would be happy to meet us there, on that sweet day.

©Pearlie Duncan Walker May 23, 2009

