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  This Tender Heart of God A Poem

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Grace, Poems

Who stills the loudest storm

How can this Lord of Heaven

Be our Saviour until the end?

He promises peace to reign

In our hearts and life of sin

He knocked on the door at night

Saying won’t you let me in?

This beauty we cannot behold

His grace so dazzling white

But His love shines forth

For everyone

Will he even look at me?

How can we grasp this sacrifical love

That laid itself down in blood

What gift is this

That loved us so

Fling wide the gates of heaven

Dear Lord how can we do the things you do

Our selfishness knows no bounds

Come Holy Spirit Teach us all

To die as you did for us all

Sweet Lord my heart just bursts with love

Your spirit soars far beyond our minds

You are the creator of everything

How can we ignore your call

Forgive us Lord for our self

Your self you gave to us

Our sins you did bear

The most ugliest of all

Nailed to you for all to see

Dear sweet Jesus

We receive your grace

So freely offered to us

Plant us where you would see us grow

For all eternity

by Jacqui Julyan (JJ)

