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The Loving, The Wise and the Brave

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Love, Poems, Power

Oh Jesus! If only America would be truly wise!

Then we would not believe the lies.

We would not be ignorant as each unborn child dies.

Oh Jesus! If only America were loving and kind.

Then we would have innocent children in the womb always on each mind.

Room for the least of these we would always find.

Oh Jesus! If only America were brave!

To our passions we would no longer be a slave.

Without hesitation, precious lives we would save.

Without you, Jesus, we can be neither wise, or kind, or brave.

Without you, Jesus, is there any reason, that America, you should save?

Without you, Jesus, America will be just one more nation rotting in its grave!

Chris Hansen

Author: “Revelation Revisited.” What if John sat down with you and told you about that amazing day when Jesus showed you how the world would end? “Secret of the Psalms.” What if you found out that the life of Jesus was predicted in astonishing detail a thousand years in advance? “Grandfather’s Journal.” What if you found out that, because of Jesus, you really, really, could live forever? Bookstores, and and 1-888-795-4274

