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  The Lonely Road of Sin A Poem

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems

 We all sin and fall short of the Glory of God, Choosing the path of least resistance on ‘life’s highway’ that we trod. Temptation overcomes us, sometimes, and we give in To the ugly wiles of Satan and the lonely road of sin.   The Lord tells us to flee from the Devil and his ways And, when he knocks upon our door, to give our Savior praise. Tell him the blood of Jesus has covered all your sins. Then say, “Get Behind Me,” I refuse to let you in.   Christian souls are taunted, by Satan, night and day. He tries to steal what belongs to Christ by leading them astray. But, he should know that he can’t steal what the Lord already claims, If we’ll just turn our backs on him and trust in Jesus’ name.   Satan doesn’t tempt the sinners, to him they all belong. He had rather taunt the Christians and prove that they’re not strong. So, the next time Satan tempts you, just tell him, “Bid Farewell,” And that you’re not going to follow him into the depths of hell.   So, each day, when Satan tempts us with his seductive ways, Just fill your soul with Jesus’ love and your lips with Godly praise. Then, Satan will flee from you, when he sees that he has lost And that he can’t steal the Christian souls that Jesus died for on the cross.     © 2007 by Vickie Lambdin Poetry by Vickie Lambdin  Treasured Thoughts Vickie is a Heavenly Inspirations Author. This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes

