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Stairway to the Moon

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Faithfulness

I am told there is a place on the Western Australian coast where the full moon rising over mud flats causes an optical illusion.

From March to October each year, on three successive nights in each month, the full moon rising over the mud flats, creates the illusion of a stairway reaching to the moon. It sounds like a fairy tale and I would love to see it. I would want to walk up that stairway into a new experience and be a part of the magic.

Imagine walking to the moon on a beautiful staircase.

Once upon a time a young man saw something similar. He was running away from home. His father was dying and his brother was angry with him, so angry the young man feared for his life. Off he went and one night, alone and weary with walking, he put a stone under his head for a pillow and fell asleep.

He dreamed he saw a ladder leading from the ground right up to heaven and there were angels walking up and down it. Then at the bottom, God stood beside him. God introduced himself as the God of Abraham and his father, Isaac. God said to him ‘All the families of the earth will wish to be blessed as you and your descendants are blessed. I shall be with you to protect you wherever you go.’

The young man, Jacob, knew he would never be alone. There was a stairway to heaven and before he even put a foot on it, he knew the Lord was walking it with him.

I hope somebody has told the people in Western Australia about the stairway that goes up past the moon, right to heaven. It belongs to everyone who walks it with the Lord.

See Genesis 28:10-20.

Elizabeth Price

