Our Saviour hung there on that cross
Beaten, whipped and bruised.
Nails through both hands and feet
Yet He knew what He must do.
A drop of blood fell to the ground
Too small to recognize.
Yet this drop of blood called called out my name
As it mixed with tears from my eyes.
Another drop falls.
And before it can even touch the soil
A debt was paid in full.
My sin erased by his toil.
Then another drop is shed
And heaven buckles in pain.
Angels fight back the tears
As the Father’s power is restrained.
Drop after drop it came
Til there was left no more.
A whole world was washed in blood
Forgiven, forever more.
Some had blood in their heart.
It stained both woman and man.
A few had blood on their faces.
All had blood on their hands.
Such a small amount – only a few pints
But still, the price must be paid.
Yet it covered every man and woman since born.
With the power of His blood,
He redeemed our souls that day.
Pastor Tony D. Scearce
Copyright 2006