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  Our House Shall Stand A Poem

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems, Promises

The rain came down,

the streams rose,

and the winds blew and beat against that house;

yet it did not fall,

because it had its foundation on the rock.

Matthew 7:25

Standing upon the promises of God,

whenever the rains come, the streams rise, and the fierce winds blow,

brings us complete assurance that the foundation of Faith within us,

is a safe and secure faith,

Our house shall stand!

We have the wisdom that regardless of where the winds,

the storms may emerge, that God is with us.
He is powerful to deliver!

There is a Bridge over the deep and troubled waters,

where we can stand.

Remembering to call on Him first,

as we see troubles on the horizon,

is the right and only true reaction,

which will deliver us.

Are you seeing God move in your life today?

Call on Him, in prayer.

Find a good, faithful prayer partner to pray with.

Take authority, in Jesus’ name.

© 2008 Sandra Lewis Pringle

