In the concluding part of the series on the “Parable of talents”, today we come to the final lesson…in fact there is a lesson within a lesson to be had here …
“…His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! … And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'” (Matt 25:24-30)
“Remember, too, that knowing what is right to do & then NOT DOING it is SIN” (James 4:17)
The scene of the Master blasting with a booming voice the lazy, excuse prone third servant (sending him to his doom) leaves none in doubt that there is no place for sloth in God’s scheme of things. Despite seeing the diligent co-workers at work and given the long rope (for the Master came after a long time) to mend his ways, this sluggard had scant regard for the Master’s business who meant business on His return. That brings us to a subject within a subject. Sins of Commission and Sins of Omission.
Is it not relatively easy to be wary about the Sins of Commission? Although we are careful about not committing murder, theft, adultery, do we not often get tripped up by more subtle sins of omission? God is just as critical of the latter as He is of the former, as the above Scripture portions so amply reveal.
The parable of the Good Samaritan is yet another pointer to God’s mind on this theme. Just as Jesus was appreciative of the Good Samaritan, wasn’t he critical of the indifferent temple priest and the Levite?
Finally, coming to the ‘Sheep & goat’ Judgment, (Matt 25:31-46), which immediately follows the Parable of talents as though to emphasize a point both literally and figuratively … what does Jesus accuse the goats on His left hand of? The Sins of Commission? Murder, theft, adultery? NO! Rather, he accuses them of Sins of Omission. Of acts which they knew they had to do but didn’t!
The words of Jesus mentioned there should always ring in our ears: “I was hungry but YOU DID NOT FEED ME, I was thirsty but YOU DID NOT QUENCH MY THIRST, I was naked but YOU DID NOT CLOTHE ME and …”
I kept sending you Bible-based /spiritual e-mails but you never even cared to reply to encourage me …BOOM… now who whispered this into my ear?
Prayer: Father, keep us safe from both the sins of commission and sins of omission. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Suresh Manoharan
(To access the entire “Of Patent, Latent and Talent” mini-series, please click here.)