Gone are the days of Jacob…….Issac and Abraham;
Now comes the days of Jesus Christ,
God’s sacrificial Lamb.
Moses was here, doing God’s will,
as he led God’s people out;
We’re living in the days of Jesus Christ,
who can erase any doubt.
Noah, by God’s demand, built an ark,
then called them in two-by-two;
Jesus Christ calls them in by the thousands,
including me and you.
There was one sent before Him,
to tell of the One that was to come,
John was sent to make the way……….
for the holy, anointed One.
These are the days foretold in the Bible,
the days of our dear Lord;
We shall leave behind this wicked world,
for something worth so much more.
Time is drawing to an end…….
I can almost hear the angels sing;
We are living in the days of Jesus Christ,
the one and only true King.
By: Pat Finn