I have a God can, so easy to do.
It used to hold coffee, and when it was through,
I use it to hold my petitions and such,
To a God I hold dear who loves me so much!
When I have a problem, I write it and say,
Dear Lord, it is your will and not mine today.
I fold it and place it inside of this can,
No longer mine, it’s in God’s Divine Plan.
My prayers are all answered in His loving way.
I’m grateful to have Him in my life today!
I know that this might sound quite silly to some.
But I know the answer to my prayers have come.
I believe in my God can and that’s how I know,
When it goes in that can, it’s time to let go.
The relief that I feel when I do it this way,
Helps me feel so peaceful and happy today!
Sharlett Hunt