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Mining Some Truths, Part 3

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Great Commission, Mining Some Truths (A Mini-Series), Witnessing

To conclude the series on Chile miners’ saga, there are two more truths to be “mined”…


Oh yes, Chile rejoiced, so did the world at large at the safe passage of the 33 miners from “Death to life”. Praise God at the “safe passage” of even one sinner from “eternal death to eternal life”. With this, all of heaven rejoices (Luke 15:7)!

Staggering truth, this! If the Chilean President, Mr. Sebastian Pinera, was right there to welcome the miners and usher them into a “new life”, so was the Father (symbolizing God) of the prodigal, when he emerged out of his “cocoon of sin” (Luke 15:20)! Should we not welcome every individual who steps into the portals of a Church seeking the Savior, whatever be his/her sinful background?


Now did I hear that one person has just come into the family-fold of Christ? Join me, it’s party time (Luke 15:22-24)!

And now for the last truth …


Stripped of all fanciful trappings, Evangelization, simply put, is “sharing the GOOD NEWS that Christ is ready to save everyone from their sins”. Taking Christ’s Great Commission seriously (Matt 28:18-20), His disciples, braving all odds, went to the “ends of the World”. By the way, do you know that Chile is “one of the ends of the World”? Now were Christ’s disciples successful? Want proof? Take it. Christians are in the majority in Chile now! Is not Sebastian Pinera, the name of the Chilean President, a Christian name? Forget going to “ends of the World”.  Have you reached out to your neighborhood with the Gospel? Herald the Christmas season this year in your neighborhood with sweets, gifts and Gospel tracts!  By doing that you can rest assured that you will be sending a chill down the devil’s spine!  HALLELUJAH!

Prayer: Father, the more I understand about your grand plan of salvation for mankind through Jesus Christ , the more I am challenged about my responsibility in sharing it with all I come in contact with. Keep me on fire. Always! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Suresh Manoharan

(To access the entire “Mining Some Truths” mini-series, please click here.)

