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  Jesus is Lord of All A Poem  

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems, Second Coming

We know one day Jesus is coming here to earth.
We know He is coming in accordance with His birth.
He gave us the things in life to do for Him there above.
He blessed us as He lay down and died out of sweet love.

From that old cross, He hung until dead that awesome day.
He was showing all the answer to living His sweet way.
He said He would come again, and we know it is true.
We await the sweet day He comes, and what He will do.

All glory to Jesus, Lord and Savior of Heaven and earth.
God gave Him this honor by His awesome, sweet birth.
Are we gathering in the things Jesus would have us do?
He looks down at us daily, both me, and all of you.

Jesus glorifies his own dear Father, each day or night.
He will soon come, in all His glory, down into our sight.
Let us love and obey this friend, and King of each and all.
For that shall be the awesome day, that Jesus comes to call.

A glorious day it shall be, when we see Him in the air.
He is coming to claim us and to put us in His own care.
Blessed be our day, when we shall be by His dear side.
Jesus is coming for us soon, only evil would want to hide.

©Pearlie Duncan Walker

March 12, 2009

