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  Jesus Gave me Hope A Poem  

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems

I don’t know what you’re going through.

But, I wanted you to know,

I’ve struggled through

Some hard times, too,

When tears began to flow.

It was then I called on Jesus’ name,

During a time I could not cope,

And my circumstance was not the same.

For, Jesus gave me hope!

He said, “My child, come unto me,

And I will give you rest!

Just have faith and you will see,

I’ll help you stand the test!”

His voice, then, calmed

Life’s troubled sea!

The billows ceased to roll!

A wonderful peace came over me,

As great joy filled my soul!

Now, I’ve learned to trust in Him,

No matter, come what may!

And though life’s path is often dim,

He’ll guide me all the way!

Robert F. Dotson © 2009

