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  Human and Devine A Poem

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems

Jesus was human, but He was also divine.

He came, to this earth, to save your soul and mine.

He worked with His hands in a carpenter’s shed;

Making yoke for the oxen and, probably, tables and beds.

When Jesus was twelve, you could find Him inside

A temple, in Jerusalem, with the priests and the scribes;

Asking questions and learning to do His Father’s will

Because He knew that the scriptures must, soon, be fulfilled.

When Jesus was thirty, He started teaching God’s word.

Throughout all of Canaan, His voice could be heard.

He started healing the lepers, the deaf, lame, and blind

With the help of His Father; who’d made Jesus divine.

When Martha told Jesus that His friend, Lazarus, had died,

The Bible tells us that He broke down and cried.

So, He had the same feelings that you and I feel;

His heart had been broken, His sorrow was real.

Jesus suffered so much, from the beatings and thorns.

His body was weary, His flesh ravaged and torn

So much that He fell, with the weight of His cross,

Because of His weakness and the blood He had lost.

So, even though Jesus was surely divine,

He had to lose His own life – just to save yours and mine;

Because Jesus knew it was His Father’s will

That He suffer and die upon Calvary’s hill.

© 2008 by Vickie Lambdin


Poetry by Vickie Lambdin Treasured Thoughts Vickie is a Heavenly Inspirations Author. This poem may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.

