Father, we give Thee all glory and praise
For the grace and forgiveness You keep sending our way,
For the love and compassion You continually sow;
Like a garden of flowers that, when watered, it grows.
Let our lips and hearts praise Thee, all the day long,
With music and cymbals; creating a song.
Let us rejoice and be glad for each day that’s brand new,
Because life is a treasure and a blessing from you.
Honor and glory, with continuous praise,
For a Savior that’s worthy, in so many ways;
Who gave us His life, up there, on the cross
To cover the sins of all those who were lost.
Let every knee bow and let each tongue proclaim
That Jesus is Lord and praise His sweet Holy name.
With His precious blood, He covered our sins,
So all honor and glory belong solely to Him.
Honor, praise, and glory sublime
Belong to our Savior and Lord, so divine.
Who else but the Lord would have taken our place
And paid for the sins of the whole human race?
© 2008 by Vickie Lambdin
Poetry by Vickie Lambdin Treasured Thoughts Vickie is a Heavenly Inspirations Author. This poem may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.