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  He Goes Before me as a Breaker A Poem  

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems

Today I am tired, and weary, but my Lord, Goes before me.

As a breaker, He will break the trails and woes in my life, you see.

He shall send the Pillar of the cloud, to declare for me a safe way.

He will straighten the crooked path, and bear me up today.

He planned my life before the womb; He has walked the way with me.

Perhaps if you try Him, you too may be born up that you may see.

He bears us up, as does a man his son, pure love in his heart.

In the wilderness He went to be there for you and me; He shall not part.

All the time the Lord Goes before us; He went in a cloud by day.

He went in a fire by night that we may follow Him all the way.

He would show tents, for us to pitch and be safe where ere we go.

He will be there when we pass through the waters; the rivers shall not overflow.

He Goes before a weapon and, we shall not prosper, as formed at us.

No evil shall prevail; no flame shall He allow to kindle upon us thus.

The Breaker is before us, yes, both night and day, will He stay.

Close to our hearts. Lord, we thank you for these options today.

Help all to come nigh unto Thee, Oh Lord, that they will be with Thee.

Not as the heathen, who claims Thee not, and is without victory.

Blessed be the Lamb of God, who laid down His life for our sin.

Praise is to the Father, who sent His Son, to pick His life up again.

(C) May 12, 2009

Isaiah. 45:2

Deut. 1:31:

Pearlie Duncan Walker

