Follow My light and I’ll lead you out,
over the mountains to the sea.
Lost child of mine, I never left you……..
you gave up on Me.
For when you were down to nothing,
I was always there;
When darkness was all around you,
I heard you call out in despair.
You wouldn’t listen to Me……..
you couldn’t hear My voice;
Precious child of mine…….
I gave you free choice.
You thought you knew it all,
and you no longer needed Me;
As your Father who loves you,
I brought you down to your knees.
If bringing you down to nothing,
is what it took to save your soul;
My child I would do it again,
to bring you back into the fold.
For I am The Shepherd,
the original keeper of the herd;
You are the lamb who got lost,
until you heard My word.
You should have known I was up to something,
when I took you as-far-down-as you could go;
For your own good my child,
there were times I had to tell you no.
I love all my children,
each and everyone has a special goal;
I’d bring them all down to nothing,
if it will save their eternal souls. Amen
By: Pat Finn
Feb. 6, 2007