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  Everything I Am A Poem  

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Poems

Lord, You are my strength and my salvation.

Everything I am I owe to You.

Lord, You’re in my soul. I’m Your creation,

And each new day brings Faith anew.

Lord, there’s so many trials and troubles,

Some things I just don’t understand.

But, I know that I will see the victory

If I just keep holding to Your hand.

Lord, You’re my shield, my shining fortress.

Beneath Your wings I am safe and warm.

With You by my side, I will fear no evil;

For You are greater than any storm.

Lord, You are stronger than the mountains.

Your grace is deeper than the seas.

Your love flows just like a fountain,

Gently washing over me.

© 2009 by Vickie Lambdin


Poetry by Vickie Lambdin Treasured Thoughts Vickie is a Heavenly Inspirations author. This poem may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.

