Elephant roams here and there
In Africa they are found everywhere
Looking for some fun to have one day
To scare some of the curious people away
‘Be careful find alternate routes’
Warns the man while he hoots. ‘
Attention listen carefully to me
An elephant you soon will see
A car squashed flat As easy as that.’
The scared man scurried far away
Other people watch and stay
Big elephant flaps his ears
Car reverse lights come on at the rear
Ready for flight and full of fear.
Again and again!
‘Now I think I have scared enough people for today’ a
nd the disinterested elephant ambles away.
Satan roams here and there on earth (1)
Then join the angels for some mirth
Trying to scare people so they curse
Or maybe doing something worse.’
But people watch and pray
People do not run away
Satan now concentrate on Job(1)
‘I will soil his righteous robe I will roar(2.)
I will torment Until that cursing event’
Again and again!
Job consider God’s wonders
And Satan now ponders
God has won this round. (3)
And Satan had not found
A way for man to be bound
So he ambles away.
1. Job 1: 7,8 . The Lord said to Satan, ‘Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, >From roaming the earth and going to and fro.
1 Pet 5:8 – Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
3. Ps 112:1, 8 -Blessed be the man who fears the Lord … His heart is secure, he will have no fear, in the end he will look in triumph over his foes.
Dawn van der Vyver
(011) 943 2522