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Cats Know the Answer

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Lessons From Pets, Poems, Relationship

“Be still and know that
I am God,”
Psalm 46:10 KJV
A directive from my
creator, sound odd?

It can be found in the
middle pages of the
Book Most High.

Aha! But I posses a
hectic schedule,
flaunt being too busy,
ignores His plea, as
He calls you and me
to fall on one knee.
Then, He will vindicate,
justify, and sanctify.

Sometimes, I wish I
was my cats’ sibling.

He arises before dawn
stops eating, playing,
and investigating
springs from my floor to
the back of the sofa

and gazes at images
outside my window for hours
this quiet time
sits in upright position
and relishes the sun
shows me how it’s done

I need to find a
space in my day
inhale His creation
(as my cat does)
bask in Gods’ love
then start living His way.

© 2000 Carol Dee Meeks


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