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  Alpha and Omega A Poem  

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Creation, God Is In Control, Poems

Father, You are Alpha and Omega,

The beginning and the end.

Your power is transcendent,

Surpassing the efforts of all men.

Father, You are the potter and we are the clay.

In Your image, You created us; upon the sixth day.

There is no other God so loving and true,

No other Omniscient, all knowing, but You.

You created the sun to give us light for the day.

Then, You lit up the night moon to show us the way.

You laid a blanket, of millions of stars, in the sky;

Then, gave each one a name, that You refer to them by.

Father, You formed the mountain peaks, the oceans, and seas;

Made the fowl of the air to build nests in the trees.

You caused the deaf mute to hear and the blind man to see.

There is no other God who could do this, but Thee.

What golden calf or graven image

Could walk on the water or part the sea?

Which one can form a man from clay,

Or create a flower, or a honey bee?

Father, There is no other God besides You

Who can do these wonderful things;

Because there is only one Lord of Lords,

One God among Gods, and one King among Kings.

© 2009 by Vickie Lambdin


Poetry by Vickie Lambdin Treasured Thoughts Vickie is a Heavenly Inspirations author. This poem may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.

