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  A Fool for God A Poem 

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Freedom in Christ, Poems, Salvation

When I heard the good news of Jesus love 

I sat in silence, still like a stone, 

but surrendered to the Master above 

the moment I realized I Wasn’t alone.

From this Master whom I had never known, 

I found my education was also from Him, 

His omnipotence has made me His own; 

I see my future without Him is dim.

My sound judgment and discernment as wise, 

future and good jobs, with knowledge and books, 

are all foolish in God’s realm and franchise 

but sharing God’s word sends stares and long looks.

When I had no awareness of the cross, 

and in life, as a scholar, I was well versed; 

I was blind and impure as metals’ dross, 

but for God’s word, I had no thirst.

Then I accepted Him into my heart, 

and realized my wisdom compared to His,

 was nothing. He pierced my ego like a dart; 

I seek His testing as a lifelong quiz.

His way has shown me how I was a fool, 

a daily relationship with Him is too cool, 

and by stepping out in faith as His heir, 

makes me a new vessel with hope and a prayer.

© 2007 Carol Dee Meeks http: //  


